Short Animated Movie
Caedes is a short film created by students from ISART Digital. It is a psychodrama in which Halley, a maintenance worker at a wind turbine facility, is tormented by the accidental death of a colleague. Notably, the film features no dialogue. Sound plays a pivotal role in shaping the narrative and conveying the main character’s psychological distress.
The team consisted of 4 animation artists and 4 sound designers.
I led the audio team for this project, coordinating with the film team to establish a coherent artistic vision. I managed the audio production process, assigning tasks and ensuring smooth collaboration within the audio department. I also produced all the foley work, including breathing sounds, and handled the complete sound mix for the film.
Through this project, I gained valuable experience working closely with the film team, reviewing each scene in detail to align sound design with the visuals. This tight collaboration required a lot of teamwork and adaptability to achieve the desired emotional tone. I also developed strong skills in mixing, balancing the different elements of the sound assets to enhance the overall impact of the film.